Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Saying Goodbye

I'm sitting in my living room right now surrounded by boxes and my four really strong new friends - JJ, Mike, Robert and Andrew.  They are packing and moving everything we own and will either take it to storage or to our sea container: destination Luxembourg. In 4-6 weeks, our stuff will arrive and be lifted up (via some sort of crane apparatus) to the third floor and through the window of our apartment on Ave. Monterey. 

I've always hated goodbyes and this week is going to be full of them.  Today is Tuesday and Alex and I will be leaving Nashville in four short days.  Leaving Nashville to go to Luxembourg is bittersweet; mostly sweet with the bitter part being saying goodbye for a season to friends and family that I love dearly.  The past few weeks have been rich, though, and we've tried to soak in everything and everyone.  In addition to the fun double dates and lunch dates, a highlight for us was definitely our going away party this weekend thrown by some of our best friends. The party was on the fabulous back deck of our favorite sushi spot, Zumi, and the weather couldn't have been more lovely.  We were even given a coffee table book about Nashville that everyone signed.  So special.  Here are some pictures!

While Alex finishes up work this week, I'm taking care of some remaining house stuff and doing lots of cleaning.  Because we won't have any furniture after today, our home until Saturday will be the Loews Vanderbilt hotel which, I must say, I'm quite looking foward to!  Saturday morning, we'll be off to Atlanta to say goodbye to my family, leave our cars and hop on our one-way flight to our new home!  At that point, I'll have much more to write about and many more pictures to share so tune in!

Before I go, I'll leave you with one last picture that sums up my day well...

I'll explain...I meant to eat BEFORE the movers packed the silverware but I didn't make it in time.  The only "utensil" (and I use that word loosely) that I could find to eat my Trader Joe's veggie enchilada with was part of Alex's grilling tool set.  Emily Post would disapprove but a girl's gotta eat :) 

Love until next time...Melanie


  1. so fun melanie that you are about to leave! it sounds dreamy! would love to see pics of the apartment and the center thing! can't remember what you called it! i am so happy for you and alex! hope your last few days go smoothly...i can still picture you saying goodbye to your family when we boarded the plane for china(and i didn't even know you yet!) by the way, you are a great writer!

  2. Such a perfect night for your going away party, so glad I got to see you before you leave! Look forward to reading your blog and hearing about the fun adventures you have ahead of you! Best of luck with the move!
