Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Luxembourg fun fact #3: Location, location, location

As I've previously mentioned, I didn't know exactly where Luxembourg was located when Alex asked me if I wanted to move there.  When I found it on the map, I noticed it nicely tucked in between France, Germany and Belgium, smack in the middle of Western Europe.  What I didn't realize then was how easy it would be to get from Luxembourg to so many other amazing places in Europe.

Luxembourg City (where we live) is 30 minutes from Germany's border, 30 minutes from France and 20 minutes from Belgium.  Where else can you live and be in 3 countries in a half hour?  Since the EU (European Union) formed, its not even necessary to show passports crossing from one country to the next within the EU so traveling is that much easier. You have to pay attention to know you've entered another country!

Alex and I have taken trips with friends to the following adorable cities by car/train:
Trier, Germany (great shopping)
Ribeauville, France (great wineries)
Arlon, Brussels (I can't brag on this one - I only saw the inside of the Ikea :)
Maastricht, Holland (cute shop-lined cobblestone streets)

This weekend, we'll be in Bruges, Belgium, which we've heard is one of the best little towns in all of Europe!  Bruges is known for 3 things: chocolate, beer and lace. The canals and little boats resemble those of Venice but lucky for us, its only a 3 hour train ride! (Pictures and details to come!)

Luxebourg's prime location also causes it to be quite the tourist spot, especially in the summer.  I had no idea that I'd see bus loads of tourists arrive in the city every day.  Large tour groups and their clicking cameras always greet me when I walk into the City Centre.  It makes me wonder why I wasn't familiar with this wonderful place prior to living here!

Lastly, I'll leave you with some pictures from our weekend to Budapest!  Alex's fraternity brother and friend is Hungarian and has recently moved back to Budapest.  Alex and I said yes to his girlfriend's invitation to surprise him for his birthday so Alex and I booked a last minute flight to Budapest for the long weekend!

The balcony of Alex's friend's apartment, overlooking the entire city

Our Friday night activity - silent disco - in downtown Budapest

Alex's friend's buddies play polo and we got to see a match!

Alex and the birthday boy on the balcony overlooking the beautiful Parliment building

Our sailing trip on the Balaton River outside of Budapest (Thanks, Dr. Kaali!)

Love until next time...Melanie

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