Thursday, May 12, 2011

Our humble abode

Last week was a big week for the maison du Martin.  We received our sea shipment, which contained all of our furniture and the rest of our belongings.  We were delighted when we got the call because, honestly, we weren't expecting it to arrive for another week or two!  The 5 Luxembourgish men arrived complete with an outside lift that hoisted our furniture and boxes up 4 floors ourside and everything came through our big living room windows!  It was quite chaotic - but thank goodness for that lift!

After a few days of unpacking and arranging, Alex and I are almost fully settled in!  The last thing to do, which is on our list for the weekend, is hang pictures on the wall.  This would have already been done, however, we soon realized that our walls were concrete behind the sheet rock.  This will require a little help from Alex and from our sweet friends, the Queens, who let us borrow their drill.

Minus some of our wall decor, here are a few pictures of our home in Little Luxembourg!

Our last bit of exciting news for the week is...we bought a car!  Living in the middle of the City Centre allows us to walk almost everywhere but Alex and I wanted to have a car for weekend travel and major grocery store runs.  We bought the car from a sweet, young American couple headed back to the States this week.  The guy played professional soccer here and  is going back home to coach at a college. The car is a gray Mazda 3 and its perfect for what we need!  Here it is!

Now we are offically ready for visitors - YOU!!  I'll leave you with one last picture - its your bed in our guest room - empty...waiting... :)

Love until next time...Melanie


  1. So precious! I can't wait to come visit. Miss you and love you guys.

  2. love your home mel! can you share pictures of the crane?! would love to see that!

  3. Hey Susie! I so wish I'd taken a picture of the crane thing that lifted our furniture through the window but, I didn't :( I was too busy directing the movers (who couldn't speak English) on where to put each box and piece of furniture that came through the window. Next time I'll do better and snap more photos :) xo
