Thursday, August 23, 2012

Lindsey Lou and Butch, too!

I'd been anticipating the visit from my dear friend, Lindsey, for months.  This wouldn't be the first trip in my history with Lindsey - memories of a week-long stint in the Texas hill country flood my mind :)  We were quite the adventurers together in our Nashville days. Life has moved us both from our beloved Music City but, I was reminded of those sweet times when I got to live another travel adventure with Lindsey this past May... 

There was much hugging and jumping up and down upon Lindsey's arrival :)

Though Alex had to work for part of the week, I got to show Lindsey and Butch around our favorite places in Luxembourg.  I introduced them to macaroons at Namur, a little bakery in the city center...

Macaroons & coffee at Namur

We wondered into the Grund, drank hot chocoloate at the Chocolate House, saw the Grand Duke's palace and introduced the Roebuck's to MORE food - a Swiss cheesy delight called raclette!

Lindsey & Butch and their first raclette meal (and yes, that's sweet tea bottom right :)

We also took a trip to Trier (Germany) and Maastricht (The Netherlands), one of my favorite destinations that you probably remember from an earlier post Maastricht Magic.

A water mill in charming Maastricht

The mill above actually powers the making of fresh,
homemade bread at this little Maastricht bakery

After a few days in and around Luxembourg, Alex and I met Lindsey and Butch in Amsterdam.  The visit there was fresh and exciting since none of us had been there before!  Alex and I arrived a little early so we popped by the huge tulip festival, the Keukenhof, just before it closed for the season.  Though almost half the tulips had already seen their best days, there were still hundreds of thousands of blooms and it was gorgeous!

Keukenhof tulip festival outside of Amsterdam

We found Amsterdam, despite its tarnished reputation, lovely and a great place to spend a weekend.  We enjoyed traveling everywhere by bike and even learned a trick or two when we didn't have enough bikes to go around...

There were beautiful canals lacing the entire city so we took a canal tour...

Visited the Van Gogh museum...

Vonder Park...

And, of course, ate some delicious food...

Restaurant Bizaar in Amsterdam

Our favorite meal, by far, was at a little restaurant on a side street called Zaza's.  If you ever find yourself in Amsterdam, please go straight here for dinner...

After our AMAZING dinner at Zaza's

It was a perfect little European adventure.  Missing the Roebuck's already!

Love from Luxembourg...


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