Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Thanksgiving Feast!

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, Alex and I planned a big Thanksgiving feast / Birthday party for last weekend.  We wanted to celebrate Alex's birthday, as well as our friends Jacques, Nollaig and Valerie's special days, which were all at the end of November.  We also wanted to show our friends here (from Luxembourg and all over the world) what an American Thanksgiving was like. 

I cooked all day on Friday and Saturday preparing the turkey - my first ever (brave, I know, with 30 mouths on the way :) homemade cranberry sauce, green beans, glazed carrots, a 3-layer strawberry cake (for the birthday cake) and two pumpkin pies.  I'd asked everyone else to bring one other item to share and gave a few suggestions since this was almost everyone's first Thanksgiving.  Our home was full and the evening was just wonderful!  Here are a few photos...

Hopefully I don't get in trouble for posting this one.  Definitely the first time I've seen Alex in an apron but he was an excellent turkey carver :)

Mr. Turkey (a huge thanks to Sarah for her help getting this bird oven-ready :)

The Spread

Sarah and her turkey leg :)

The birthday girls and boys with their cake

I wish I'd taken a group photo but with all that was going on, I didn't get around to it.

I think everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving and it brought me joy to be able to share the special day with our "family" here since I was away from home.  Now, the countdown is on until I board a plane on the 13th for Christmas - destination USA!

Love from Luxembourg...Melanie

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